Pest Solutions Plus is your trusted exterminator in the Denver Metro area, offering eco-friendly solutions, competitive pricing, and exceptional customer service.
American Cockroaches
The American cockroach is the largest of the house-infesting cockroaches.
German Cockroaches
The German cockroach is by far the most important and usually the most common of the cockroaches. In addition to being a nuisance, the German cockroach has been implicated in outbreaks of illness and allergic reactions in many people. This species has worldwide distribution.
The German Cockroach is about ½” in length and can be easily recognized by the two dark, longitudinal stripes on the “shield” at the front of the body under which the head is located. The German cockroach is the most prolific breeder among all cockroaches, and like all cockroaches it is omnivorous and will eat virtually anything. This pest will first locate itself in bathrooms and the kitchen, as close as possible to food and moisture sources, and then spread throughout a home or building as the population grows. During its life it will spend about 80 percent of its time resting in cracks and voids.
Brownbanded Cockroaches
Brown-banded cockroaches get their name from the two lighter bands they have across their dark brownish bodies. In addition to the distinctive banding, males have full wings, which reach beyond the tip of their rather pointed abdomens, but females have underdeveloped wings, much shorter than their broad, rounded abdomens. The lighter band markings are much more distinct in nymphs than in adults of either sex.
Oriental Cockroaches
Orienal Cockroaches, Blatta orientalis (L.), are large very dark (almost black, but sometimes dark reddish-brown), shiny cockroaches which live in sewers and similar wet, decaying organic matter. They are sometimes called “water bugs” because they come out of drains, and “black beetle cockroaches” because of their smooth, dark bodies. Males are about 1 inch long, with wings that cover only about 3/4 of their abdomen; females are about 1 1/4 inch long, and have only short stubs of wing pads.
Whether you are a homeowner, restaurant, industrial storage facility, or manufacturer, we can help. Our technicians are extensively trained.
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